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Host an intern 

Our internship program offers companies and organizations in Georgia to host highly qualified and bilingual interns from Sweden for a stay between 6 and 18 months. With a minimum age of 21, many of the candidates have received a bachelor or master’s degree in topics like technology, marketing or computer programming, and some of them have already gained experience and specialized skills within their field.

The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce (SACC) assists host companies by: 

  • Matchmaking, we will find the right candidate, based on your specific needs.
  • Making the arrangement, including application for a J-1 visa
  • Providing an introduction for the intern
  • Providing an easy visa application process, where SACC will be the sponsor
  • Provide you with a contact person at the chamber during the internship

Benefits for the host company: 

  • Qualified interns. You can host well-educated, motivated and bilingual trainees in a training program up to 18 months.
  • International exposure.
  • Large pool of pre-screened candidates. SACC will post your position on their website and distribute it to our network in Sweden to generate applications specifically for your position.
  • Peace of mind. SACC reviews candidate applications so that you are ensured that they meet the criteria set by the U.S. Department of State for the J-1 visa.
  • It is easy. SACC guides you and your intern through the application process and assists with the necessary documentation.
  • Low cost. The host organization pay a flat fee, and a stipend to the intern equivalent to the cost of living in the host company’s location. There are no social security or Medicare taxes for a J-1 trainee.

Check out our interview with our former host company Green Boom and their Swedish trainee here!.

Sponsor Spotlight 


The primary objective of SACC-Georgia is to promote an exchange of business, trade, investment, technology and culture between Sweden and the state of Georgia. SACC-Georgia is one of 19 regional chambers across the United States, cooperating under the umbrella of SACC-USA based in Washington, D.C.


303 Peachtree Center Ave NE Ste 600 Atlanta, GA 30303 


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